Saturday 19 December 2015

The appearance in JS of patterns and frameworks akin to Flex patterns and associated frameworks for Front End Development.

I've spent the last 4 years building the agile iterative processes, designing the architecture and developing the front end of an enterprise level suite of modular applications for fund managers to evaluate and execute transactions for a major asset management company. This was done in Flex and while on the project we realised that we would most likely change our front end tech at some point and when we first thought of javascript we felt that it still wasn't ready for efficient, productive, enterprise software development especially when factoring a team of contractors and permanent junior front end developers. However with the advent of Angular, React,Flux and of the agile tools the JS community has put together in the last 5 years, I'm happy to say that developing big, long term, stable enterprise applications of measurable quality in javascript is now a lot more feasible than it once was and more enjoyable too! In my next post, I am going to outline some of the JS tools I have developed with and compare them to technologies I have developed with earlier as it's increasingly apparent that what is new in JS are older ideas that have been used in Flex/AS. Note: I'm not stating that Flex was the first to bring such ideas to the web, it's just that is where I got a deeper awareness of them.

Monday 11 July 2011

Performance Performance Performance

Just how well can we measure performance?...Check this link.

Tuesday 4 January 2011

briangenisio / ActionLinq / wiki / Home – Bitbucket

briangenisio / ActionLinq / wiki / Home – Bitbucket
briangenisio / ActionLinq

ActionLinq is a complete implementation of LINQ extensions for ActionScript 3. Although it follows ActionScript idoms, all of the expected functionality is there including deferred execution

Monday 13 December 2010

Code Metrics with Sonar

Sonar is a web service that allows you to perform code analysis on projects it has a plugin for flex projects that utilises FlexPMD, FlexCPD and FlexMetrics that can give you insight on the quality of the code in your project worth a look.

Wednesday 6 October 2010

Get The Blueprint

Blueprint is a plugin for Adobe® Flex® Builder™ 3 and Flash® Builder™ 4 that allows users to query for Adobe Flex and Adobe Flash code examples found on the Web directly inside of the development environment.

Give it a try

Tuesday 27 April 2010


package domain.utils
public class ErrorTestUtils
public function ErrorTestUtils()

public static function isErrorThrown(callMethodThatCausesError:Function,errorReport:String,args:Array):Boolean
var errorThrown:Boolean = false;
errorThrown = (e.message == errorReport)

return errorThrown;


Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Testing Thrown Error Handling

A quick way to test thrown errors are behaving as expected.

public function testErrorHandling():void

            var errorThrown:Boolean = false;
            catch (e:Error)
                errorThrown = (e.message == 'SomeClass.ERROR_IN_DATA_MESSAGE');

Posted via email from fasanya's posterous