Here are several older applications that I did at SMILE Mathematics which is no more.
Division BusterLike the old TV Show BlockBuster but with division questions... Anyway the path checking algorithm was interesting in this!
NimThe objective of this game is to make sure your opponent is the last person to pick up a pencil I think this game is played with matchsticks but that wasn't deemed appropriate for schools! This game can be played against the computer and again required the development of a logic and a bit of research on the problem to determine a good computer strategy. you'll be hard pressed to beat the comp, and this one does require reading the instructions!
Towers of HanoiA classic game that's been seen many times before event on the web. This one records moves and replays them and if you can do three ring easily enough. Change the options.
Enlarging PentominoesThis is basically a jigsaw but the interesting thing about it is there are several ways to complete each jigsaw this required developing algorithms to analyse that the jigsaw had been completed in a more abstract way.
Building PentominoesSimilarly as with Enlarging Pentominoes this simple to play game used graph theory to analyse the pentominoes to determine which ones they were regardless of symmetry. So if you created the same shape upside down the program would recognise it. See if you can find all twelve pentominoes!
Darts Here you're forced to do the maths in this game, one version requires a modicum of skill!
Adds Up ToAgain this game required the computer to analyse potential moves - breadth first search - while also preventing the other player from winning.
As did this....
MinimaxThis requires you to play against and beat the computer using skill this was a good one to do for developing the computer logic for making moves as the numbers come up arbitrarily.The instructions in this are for a different game (The instructions never got finished!) you must try and beat your opponent (try and beeat the computer) by getting either the smallest or largest result.
FrogsSimple game of can you get the frogs to the other side, this main view is from an isometric perspective. The number of frogs can be changed dynamically and the moves you've made are recorded, tabulated and can be replayed.
Magic SquaresA simple game to play but not so simple to complete. If you like Sudoku you might like this!
BoatAnother nice one to play. Can you get the bugs all other to the other side!
JugsThis one was another one where the recording and replay was seen as useful.
Some others from way back!
Angle FitMaximum RemainderTensprint