Tuesday 27 April 2010


package domain.utils
public class ErrorTestUtils
public function ErrorTestUtils()

public static function isErrorThrown(callMethodThatCausesError:Function,errorReport:String,args:Array):Boolean
var errorThrown:Boolean = false;
errorThrown = (e.message == errorReport)

return errorThrown;


Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Testing Thrown Error Handling

A quick way to test thrown errors are behaving as expected.

public function testErrorHandling():void

            var errorThrown:Boolean = false;
            catch (e:Error)
                errorThrown = (e.message == 'SomeClass.ERROR_IN_DATA_MESSAGE');

Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Doc File Import Folder So you can move asdocs from pc to pc.

C:\Documents and Settings\Lyndon Fasanya\Application Data\Doc.EE57A57224685151543546B0367A0BD876BF88FF.1\Local Store

Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Channels endpoints and destinations, AIR and Flex, courtesy of weborb and midnightcoders

Endpoint - this is the URL where AIR/Flex app sends remoting/messaging requests to

Channel - a concept encapsulating the endpoint. Also identifies classes managing the channel on both client and server sides

Destination - identifies a server-side class exposed by WebORB. Used by Flex/AIR client to target method invocations against the referenced class.

Channels are configured in WEB-INF/flex/services-config.xml (and
weborb-services-config.xml if present in your system). Every channel has the "endpoint" element. For example, you have the following
channel definition:

<channel-definition id="my-amf"
<endpoint uri="weborb.php"

Notice the following line:

<endpoint uri="weborb.php"

"weborb.php" here is actually a URL. The reason it does not look like a URL is because it is relative. If your Flex app is loaded from


then your application will be sending remoting requests to the following URL:


(This is the reason why WebORB for PHP requires that you put weborb.php into the same directory containing your SWF.)

So how does the client know what channel to use. The answer lies in remoting-config.xml. This is where all the destinations are defined.
Most of the destinations do not explicitly reference the channels. For those, there's a special declaration at the top that establishes the default channel:

<channel ref="my-amf"/>

As a result, when you create a RemoteObject to talk to GenericDestination, remoting requests will be sent to the endpoint defined in the my-amf channel.

Now, suppose you need to get AIR to talk to WebORB. Obviously the my-amf channel will not work for you since the endpoint is relative.
You can definitely change the endpoint to be an absolute URL and it will solve the problem. Alternatively, take a look at the channel with
the following ID:


Notice the endpoint URL for that channel is absolute. Now take a look at the GenericAIRDestination destination in remoting-config.xml. You will see it references the my-air-amf channel. As a result, if your
AIR application uses "GenericAIRDestination", your AIR client will talk to WebORB and send remoting requests to the endpoint URL from the
my-air-amf channel. It is important to adjust the URL to reflect the location of your WebORB instance.

Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Thursday 15 April 2010

Using Enterprise Architect to create a Class Model from an AS project.

1. Open EA the application.
2. From the app (if plugin in Eclipse select the Enterprise Architect option then ) Create a New Project.
3. Navigate to where you want your project to placed.
4. Your Project Browser perspective should be open and you'll see a tab called Model this is the project you've just created  a project is a collection models in EA. Select it.
5. Right Click on this and select 'Add a new model' using wizard.
6. Check the class model box. and Ok this, a class model icon will appear under the model icon in your project.
7. Right Click on the Class Model folder looking icon (not the blue one).
8. Mouse Over Code Engineering and select 'Import Source Directory'.
9. In the dialog box select ActionScript ensure file extension are .as and the options you prefer
10. Choose the Root Directory you want to generate a Class Model for.

11. To generate rtf documentation select the icon 4th from right on the toolbar with OR select F8 it looks like lines with ticks and crosses although there are two of them.

Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Mockito Test Structures

/*    Generalisation for verifying a method (testedFunction) of system under test (sut)
            is called that depends on a method (someOperation) of (dependency)
            var dependency:Dependency = Dependency(mock(Dependency));
            // given
            var sut:Sut = new Sut(dependency);
            // when
            // then

Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Tuesday 13 April 2010

Comprehensive Documentation

Now there's a one stop shop, for the Flash Platform API checkout the ActionScript 3.0 Reference for the Adobe Flash Platform.


Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Saturday 10 April 2010

flash flex links and resources courtesy of jexchen hence some chinese characters!

Flash, Flex resources collected Shiquandabu

07月23rd, 2008 Posted in ActionScript3 , Collection , Flash , Flex3 , Lib , RIA , Tool July 23rd, 2008 Posted in ActionScript3 , Collection , Flash , Flex3 , Lib , RIA , Tool

断断续续收集了Flash、Flex相关的不少资源,但好多存着都没看,加上自己没太整理好,反而到想 找的时候找不到。 Intermittent collection of Flash, Flex-related resources, it has a lot of deposit with no view, coupled with his order not too good, but can not find the time to looking. 在此做个“十 全大补”,来个群英汇萃,一来方便自己,二来大家也可参考参考。 This to be a "Shiquandabu" to a Beat Festival, the one convenience, and second, you can refer to the reference. 这些资源均来自网上,感谢这些作者们。 These resources are from the Internet, for these authors. 不断更新中…… Constantly update ... ...

[毕竟是自己辛苦整理的,转载的话请注明出处: http://www. jexchen .com谢谢] [After all their hard order, and reproduced if the source is acknowledged: http://www. jexchen. COM Thank you]

APIs、Libs、Components APIs, Libs, Components

1、 as3ebaylib 1, as3ebaylib

http://code.google.com/p/as3ebaylib/ http://code.google.com/p/as3ebaylib/

2、 as3youtubelib 2, as3youtubelib

http://code.google.com/p/as3youtubelib/ http://code.google.com/p/as3youtubelib/

3、 as3flickrlib 3, as3flickrlib

http://code.google.com/p/as3flickrlib/ http://code.google.com/p/as3flickrlib/

4、 Yahoo ASTRA Flash Components 4, Yahoo ASTRA Flash Components

http://developer.yahoo.com/flash/astra-flash/ http://developer.yahoo.com/flash/astra-flash/

5、 facebook-as3 5, facebook-as3

http://code.google.com/p/facebook-as3/ http://code.google.com/p/facebook-as3/

6、 as3awss3lib 6, as3awss3lib

http://code.google.com/p/as3awss3lib/ http://code.google.com/p/as3awss3lib/

7、 Adobe ActionScript 3:resources:apis:libraries (官方,包括corelib、FlexUnit、Flickr、Mappr、RSS and Atom libraries、Odeo、YouTube) 7, Adobe ActionScript 3: resources: apis: libraries (government, including the corelib, FlexUnit, Flickr, Mappr, RSS and Atom libraries, Odeo, YouTube)

http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/ActionScript_3:resources:apis:libraries http://labs.adobe.com/wiki/index.php/ActionScript_3:resources:apis:libraries

8、 Tweener用 于过渡与切换的一组动画库 8, Tweener for the transition and to switch a group of animation library

http://code.google.com/p/tweener/ http://code.google.com/p/tweener/

9、 uicomponents-as3一 组轻量级的AS3 UI组件库 9, uicomponents-as3 a lightweight AS3 UI component library

http://code.google.com/p/uicomponents-as3/ http://code.google.com/p/uicomponents-as3/

10、 as3ds AS3的数据结构实现 10, as3ds AS3 data structures to achieve

http://code.google.com/p/as3ds/ http://code.google.com/p/as3ds/

11、 mecheye-as3-libraries一 组主要用于Flash 游戏开发的AS3库 11, mecheye-as3-libraries of a major group of game development for Flash AS3 library

http://code.google.com/p/mecheye-as3-libraries/ http://code.google.com/p/mecheye-as3-libraries/

12、 XIFF一 套XMPP协议的AS3实现 12, XIFF AS3 implementation of a XMPP protocol

http://svn.igniterealtime.org/svn/repos/xiff/branches/xiff_as3_flexlib_beta1/ http://svn.igniterealtime.org/svn/repos/xiff/branches/xiff_as3_flexlib_beta1/

13、 FZip一 套AS3库,可用作对ZIP压缩文件的载入、修改与创建 13, FZip a AS3 library can be used as the load on the ZIP compressed files, modify and create

http://codeazur.com.br/lab/fzip/ http://codeazur.com.br/lab/fzip/

14、 FlexLib一 套开源的Flex界面组件库 14, FlexLib a set of open source Flex component library interface

http://code.google.com/p/flexlib/ http://code.google.com/p/flexlib/

15、 AnimatedGIfLoader Flex Component可载入GIF的Flex组件 15, AnimatedGIfLoader Flex Component can be loading GIF in Flex component

http://dougmccune.com/blog/animatedgifloader-flex-component/ http://dougmccune.com/blog/animatedgifloader-flex-component/

16、 goplayground一 套轻量级的,可用创建属于你自己的AS3 动画工具的库 16, goplayground a lightweight, can be used to create your own AS3 animation tools library

http://code.google.com/p/goplayground/ http://code.google.com/p/goplayground/

17、 AlivePDF开 源的用于PDF创建的AS3库 17, AlivePDF open source library for PDF creation in AS3

http://www.alivepdf.org/ http://www.alivepdf.org/

18、 jwopitz-lib一 组开源的Flex用户界面组件 18, jwopitz-lib a set of open source Flex user interface components

http://code.google.com/p/jwopitz-lib/ http://code.google.com/p/jwopitz-lib/

19、 as3crypto AS3实现的一套加密库,包括多种加密算法 19, as3crypto AS3 implementation of a cryptographic library, including a variety of encryption algorithms

http://code.google.com/p/as3crypto/ http://code.google.com/p/as3crypto/

20、 flare一 套强大的可视化交互的AS3类库 20, flare of a powerful visual interactive AS3 library

http://flare.prefuse.org/ http://flare.prefuse.org/

21、 SWFAddress一 小而强大的库,可以为Flash和Ajax提供深链接的功能 21, SWFAddress a small but powerful library for Flash and Ajax features to provide deep links

http://www.asual.com/swfaddress/ http://www.asual.com/swfaddress/

22、 SWFObject用 于嵌入Flash,Adobe官方也认可了 22, SWFObject to embed Flash, Adobe has officially recognized

http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/ http://code.google.com/p/swfobject/

23、 ulse Particle System一套开源的强大的AS3动态粒子系统 23, ulse Particle System a set of open source AS3 powerful dynamic particle system

http://code.google.com/p/pulse-particle/ http://code.google.com/p/pulse-particle/

http://www.rogue-development.com/pulseParticles.html http://www.rogue-development.com/pulseParticles.html

24、 SpringGraph Flex Component 24, SpringGraph Flex Component

http://mark-shepherd.com/blog/springgraph-flex-component/ http://mark-shepherd.com/blog/springgraph-flex-component/

25、 GoASAP AS3动画库 25, GoASAP AS3 Animation Library

http://code.google.com/p/goasap/ http://code.google.com/p/goasap/

http://www.goasap.org/index.html http://www.goasap.org/index.html

26、 asaplibrary一 套开源的Flash Actionscript3.0 RIA库 26, asaplibrary a set of open source Flash Actionscript3.0 RIA Library

http://code.google.com/p/asaplibrary/ http://code.google.com/p/asaplibrary/

http://asaplibrary.org/ http://asaplibrary.org/

http://asapframework.org http://asapframework.org

27、 as3mathlib开 源Flex/Actionscript数学库 27, as3mathlib open source Flex / Actionscript Math Library

http://code.google.com/p/as3mathlib/ http://code.google.com/p/as3mathlib/

28、 as3corelib包 含一些基础功能AS3库 28, as3corelib AS3 library contains some basic functions

http://code.google.com/p/as3corelib/ http://code.google.com/p/as3corelib/

29、 minimalcomps一 组AS3 UI组件 29, minimalcomps a AS3 UI Components

http://www.bit-101.com/minimalcomps/ http://www.bit-101.com/minimalcomps/

30、 as3gif 30, as3gif

http://code.google.com/p/as3gif/ http://code.google.com/p/as3gif/

31、 queueloader-as3一 组AS3库,用来进行资源序列载入及监测 31, queueloader-as3 a AS3 library sequence used for loading and monitoring resources

http://code.google.com/p/queueloader-as3/ http://code.google.com/p/queueloader-as3/

32、 TweenMax (AS3) 32, TweenMax (AS3)

http://blog.greensock.com/tweenmaxas3/ http://blog.greensock.com/tweenmaxas3/

33、 Atellis Reflection Component一款Flex反射效果组件 33, Atellis Reflection Component effect of a reflection component Flex

http://labs.atellis.com/2007/07/11/atellis-reflection-component/ http://labs.atellis.com/2007/07/11/atellis-reflection-component/

34、 AS3Eval简 单来说,就是用AS3实现的AS3编译器 34, AS3Eval simply put, is realized with AS3 AS3 compiler

http://eval.hurlant.com/ http://eval.hurlant.com/

35、 ByteArray的 组件、库合集,包括liquid components、mousegesture、ASZip、GIF Player、GIF Animation Encoder、AlivePDF、Live JPEG Encoder、ScaleBitmap等 35, ByteArray component, library collection, including liquid components, mousegesture, ASZip, GIF Player, GIF Animation Encoder, AlivePDF, Live JPEG Encoder, ScaleBitmap etc.

http://www.bytearray.org/?page_id=82 http://www.bytearray.org/?page_id=82

36、 AS3C针 对AVM2虚拟机,用C#写的字节码编译器 36, AS3C for AVM2 virtual machine, using C # to write the byte-code compiler

http://code.google.com/p/as3c/ http://code.google.com/p/as3c/

37、 as3httpclientlib as3实现的http客户端 37, as3httpclientlib as3 http client implementation

http://code.google.com/p/as3httpclientlib/ http://code.google.com/p/as3httpclientlib/

38、 as3ui一 组常规的as3 ui界面库 38, as3ui a conventional as3 ui interface library

http://code.google.com/p/as3ui/ http://code.google.com/p/as3ui/


Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Thursday 8 April 2010

Using registerClassAlias

NOTE: registerClassAlias should be called before any instances of the class you are aliasing is instantiated!!!!!

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Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Wednesday 7 April 2010

Registering a remoteclass alias dynamically

Say you've got a value object (VO) and you have defined a remote class alias on it. You can change(add?) another alias dynamically at runtime.
When you perform the execution of a service call.

eg [RemoteClass(alias="lf.Project.Service.ServiceProxy.ObjectivesServiceProxy.StoreCluster")] on the class


To change this at runtime particularly useful if the same VO is used by different services you can do this...

public function execute(event:CairngormEvent):void  //often done in this method of a command

   var clientClassName:String = 'com.fasanya.application.vo.StoreClusterVO';

   var clientClass:Class = getDefinitionByName(clientClassName) as Class;

   var newAlias:String = ''lf.Project.NewService.NewServiceProxy.NewServiceProxyName.StoreCluster";

   registerClassAlias(newAlias, clientClass);

  ...other code...


Posted via email from fasanya's posterous

Tuesday 6 April 2010

Emergent Design - These few simple rules, applied locally, can help a high quality global design to emerge.

In a posting on the Agile Modeling mailing list, Alan Shalloway of Net Objectives, proposed some rules on well designed code:

  1. Runs all the tests
  2. Follows once and only once rule
    (which I believe means “contains no duplicate code”)
  3. Has high cohesion (clarity)
  4. Has loose coupling

Alan comments:

“If you look at design patterns, you can see that most of them follow these rules. High cohesion and loose coupling can often be achieved by decomposing your problem domain with the distinctions of commonality / variability analysis. That is, find how things are similar and then find out how they are different.

“The other thing I like about this set of rules is that they are easy to teach and understand. Cohesion has to do with clarity. Method cohesion means a method is focused on one purpose. Class cohesion means all of the methods in a class are focused on one larger purpose.”

Posted via web from fasanya's posterous